Preschool Spanish Curriculum
Want to use our Spanish Curriculum in YOUR Preschool, Kinder, or Elementary School?
Good news! If you’re looking for an innovative Preschool Spanish curriculum, you’re in the right place. We’ve developed the perfect educational tool for preschools, kinder, and elementary schools that are looking to add Spanish lesson plans to their curriculum.
Let’s Play in Spanish has developed a proven and award-winning Spanish curriculum that has kept young children from 2-12 years old engaged and learning in the San Francisco Bay area for over 20 years.
Now you can use these same preschool Spanish lesson plans in your school. Your teachers will be teaching preschool Spanish with music and play to entertain preschool students while they learn the Spanish alphabet, vocabulary, and verbs to build sentences. We provide contextualized Spanish resources like flashcards and student workbooks to help students as they are learning Spanish.
Our Spanish preschool curriculum will make teaching Spanish easy and fun!
What’s in our Spanish preschool curriculum?
Licensing your preschool’s Spanish lessons and thematic resources from Let’s Play in Spanish will set your school apart from those that are simply using textbooks and teacher repetition to try to hold the attention of the young learners. It includes all the preschool Spanish lesson plans and resources you’ll need to keep students engaged throughout the school year.

Sample Theme from our Spanish lessons
By acquiring a license, you’ll have permission to reproduce and use our copyrighted lesson plans, including all the flashcards, posters, and student workbooks.
You’ll also have access to teacher training to ensure successful implementation from our founder Susy Dorn, who has been teaching, refining, and adding to these Spanish language thematic resources for over 20 years.
Studies show that young children learn more effectively when they are playing and engaged in fun activities. Let’s Play in Spanish builds on this by using catchy songs, fun videos, activity packs with flashcards, engaging posters, colorful humorous visual aids, and interactive puppetry to make the lessons come alive. Students who learn Spanish from our lesson plans show remarkable progress throughout the entire year.

Sample worksheet from our Spanish lessons
Parents know that young children who learn to speak Spanish or another language early in life will have advantages later, both from having the skill of a second language and also the benefit of higher cognitive abilities associated with speaking more than one language.
And the earlier kids learn to speak Spanish, the more easily they’ll acquire these skills and benefits. Plus, our Spanish lessons are designed for kids as young as preschool.
By licensing our Spanish curriculum for elementary and younger, you’re showing parents that you take their children’s education seriously. All you need to provide is someone who can teach Spanish (not necessarily a native Spanish speaker).
What’s included in our Spanish Curriculum for Preschool, Kinder, and Early Elementary:
- 50 Spanish language themes to introduce vocabulary covering subjects such as numbers, colors, fruits, community helpers, transportation, and many more
- 5 videos per theme
Sample Flash Cards from our Spanish lessons
- Flashcards
- Posters
- Worksheets
- Training from Susy Dorn, the founder and creator of LPIS
What you’ll need:
- A license from LPIS to reproduce the copyrighted Spanish curriculum
- A teacher fluent in Spanish
- That’s it!
We believe that children learn best through play. We understand that children’s sense of curiosity drives their interest in understanding their surroundings and their sense of belonging.
Play-based learning is an innate motivator for young children from preschool to early elementary students to identify, explore, negotiate, take risks, and create meaning. We have created proven and award-winning lessons that use this natural motivation for language learning.
If you’re interested in using our award-winning Spanish resources and curriculum in your school, simply fill out the form below, and we’ll provide the details.
Learn More About Licensing our elementary Spanish curriculum
Ready to schedule a meeting? Great! Select a time below. We’ll go over the resources and licensing options in more detail and provide recommendations based on your school’s needs. Schedule a Meeting Today!
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